I convey my gratitude and regards to the rate payers of this muinicipality blessing me becoming the Chairman of this more than 100 years old glorious Municipality in habited by about 20000 peoples and surrounded by green hills and hundreds of villages. From the first day of my office I started dreaming for making our small town as a model being green and clean developed town by the sincere supports of my respected councilors and staff.
We have plans for new water supply projects via Tulin Subarnakha Water supply, new modern conservancy systems, immunizations, sufficient electricity developed graveyard having beautiful gardens.
We are adamant, confident and determined to make our town glorious, green, and clean and pollution free.

Chairman Jhalda Municipality
The historical small green Jhalda Municipality established in the year of 1888 for giving civic facilities to the rate payers. Since its inception to today, this small municipality is deficited municipality having no strong economics of its own. But our desires and visions for making this city a green, clean, economic conditions is no bar always. Our dreams are strong, our attitude towards public service is challenging. Our visions are fixed for making this small town as a model town having all facilities of health, immunizations, water supply, good electricity and new conservancy system.

Jhalda Municipality
EO Desk
I am feeling very much happy to join as Executive Officer in this esteemed Municipality after serving as E.O., at Arambagh Municipality. The sceneries of this place, which is situated at the border of Jharkhand state is very much pleasant and the inhabitants of this area are very much law-abiding, generous and peace loving.
I shall try my best to make this town green and clean with the help of honourable Councillors, Chairman, Vice Chairman and all staff members of this institution.

Executive Officer
Jhalda Municipality